
Weekend Practice Weekends for Members

Dates for 2025

Practice Dates – 2025. Dates, venues and instructors subject to change, check for availability via phone or email as detailed below.

2025 ScheduleStatusLocationStone TypeInstructor(s)
January 2025 No Meeting This Month  
February 2025 No Meeting This Month  
March 29th & 30th TBCButtercross Community Project, CheddletonGritstoneRay Mellor/Emma Yates
April 26th & 27th TBCButtercross Community Project, CheddletonGritstoneRay Mellor/Emma Yates
May 17th & 18th AvailableKirk Field, BigginLimestoneTom Fenton
June 14th & 15thCONFIRMEDMembers Summer Event. Nightingale Centre LimestoneCarl Hardman
July 26th & 27th AvailableTideswell Community ParkLimestoneBilly McCallum
August 16th & 17thAvailableNightingale Centre, Great HucklowLimestoneRay Mellor
September 27th & 28thAvailableGreen Farm, BigginLimestoneEmma Yates
October 25th & 26th AvailableHigh Ashes FarmGritstoneSharn Whaites/Tom Fenton
November 22nd & 23rd AvailableLockerbrook Farm, LadybowerGritstoneCarl Hardman
December 2025No Meeting This Month
January 30th 2026 Branch Christmas Dinner Party   Carl Hardman

How to book

Practice meetings are for DSWA members only. Attendees under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

All members wishing to attend a practice weekend must pre-book a week in advance, where possible, by contacting the appropriate instructor directly as follows –

Billy McCallum07917 192604
Tom Fenton07929 451388 or [email protected]
Emma Yates07966 666463
Ray Mellor07904 883902
Carl Hardman07768 978846
Sharn Whaites 07867 330944

Please provide the instructor with your contact details. If you book a place and then cannot attend, please phone the instructor.

If the instructor needs to cancel the event, they will notify the member via their mobile numbers. There is no charge for members to attend practice weekends.

What to bring

The start and finish times are the same for all meetings, 9am to 4pm. You will need to bring with you safety boots with steel toe caps (mandatory), gloves, waterproofs, packed lunch, drink and a smile. Click here for recommended glove types.

If you have any additional equipment of your own such as a shovel, mattock, walling hammer, lines, tape measure etc and it is convenient to bring these with you, then please do so. The instructor will check the suitability of any tools brought to site.

How to get there

Wherever possible, DDSWA signs or flags will be placed to indicate where to turn into the site.

Ashbourne Showground The Showground is approximately 2 miles south of Ashbourne, just off the A52, in the village of Osmaston. Sat Nav – use DE6 1LW follow directions to the Showground from/via the A52 only. The stone here is Limestone.

High Ashes Farm – High Ashes Lane, Ashover, Chesterfield, S45 0LH. The stone here is Gritstone.

Hollowford Centre – Castleton, S33 8WB.

Lime Pit Project – The site is on the west side of the A515, 3 miles south of Newhaven or 2 miles from Biggin by Hartington. At grid reference SK 16430 57166 / E 416430 N 357166 there is a double gateway opposite a long wood. Turn into the left gate to access the site.

Lockerbrook Farm Outdoor Centre – Snake Pass, Bamford, S33 0BJ.

New House Farm – Stanton, Ashbourne, DE6 2DD 

Turn off the A52 from Ashbourne to Leek at the main crossroads for Stanton onto Bullgap Lane. DO NOT take the first turning from Ashbourne (Stanton Lane) as the road is very narrow.
Follow Bullgap Lane to the T junction and turn left towards Stanton. Follow the road into the village and keep left. New House Farm is on the left going out of the village (Sally Field Lane).

Nightingale Centre – Great Hucklow, (Off B6049), Buxton, SK17 8RH Great Hucklow is situated just off the B6049, north of the A623 (Stockport to Chesterfield road), near Tideswell. From Chesterfield take the A619. From Manchester and Stockport take the A6. From Sheffield take the A625.

There is ample free parking at the Centre. Note that the car park is at the rear of the centre and accessed via the entrance opposite the Old Chapel

Tideswell Community Park – SK17 8NE. Located next to the School. Driving from the Anchor pub into the village, turn right before the George Inn, then turn right in front of the school into car park at top of hill.

The small print:

For health and safety reasons these events have a limit of 12 attendees plus instructor. Would all attendees make sure they provide a mobile contact number when booking in case any days need to be cancelled at short notice.